We Meat Again: Chops Grill Returns with New March Menu!

By 11 March 2018

Carnivores, pescetarians, and vegetarians, rejoice! Chops Grill is back with a menu that suits you all, and everyone in between. 

It has been a long winter here in Split, which has been marked by a lot of rain, even some snow, and a notable lack of the sun’s rays. Lucky for us, however, a new season is approaching, and the latest bit of light to shine on Split is the reopening of Chops Grill.

As we mentioned at the beginning of the New Year, Chops Grill closed for some time to focus on somewhat of a rebirth - and with a new look, new skills, and a new selection of dishes, the famous Split steakhouse is back in full force from tomorrow to celebrate a new era. 

Because we are all ready to ‘meat’ Chops Grill again, the restaurant has prepared a special menu which will last through the end of the month, and we’re here to encourage you not to sleep on this one - or else, we promise you’ll be sorry. 

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From their opening on March 12th to March 31st, Chops Grill will offer a unique three-course menu which exhibits all that they have acquired in their time away from the Dalmatian capital - and yes, we’re already hungry.

Here’s what you can expect.

For starters, guests can choose between a broccoli and parmesan cheese soup, bruschetta with beef, or steak tartare. 

For the main course, carnivores can choose between a T-bone steak or beef and vegetable skewers; both served with a baked potato and Greek salad. And if you’re feeling fancy, how about veal with potato chips?

For the seafood lovers, the tuna steak with mashed swiss chard or the grilled monkfish with truffles and rice might tickle your taste buds. And for the vegetarians in the group, don’t worry, Chops has not forgotten you. Won’t you be interested in pesto pasta with feta cheese?

For all of you with a sweet tooth, and we know there are many, your tasty meal will be complete with either an apple crumble, mascarpone cream, or a creamy chocolate mousse.

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Prices are reflected in the main dish you choose, and because this offer lasts only until the end of the month, we think reservations are in order - act now!

Chops Grill is located at Kamila Tončića 4. For reservations, call 091 365 0000 or visit the Chops Grill website
