April is Devoted to Jazz at Paradox Wine & Cheese Bar!

By 2 April 2018

If you're in Split this month, Paradox Wine & Cheese Bar has a treat in store for you. 

Today we bring you some excellent news coming out of Split’s pride and joy - Paradox Wine & Cheese Bar. The favorite hangout for wine, cheese, and lovers of all music has declared April the month of jazz, welcoming various jazz artists from the region this spring season. 

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Radovani Photography

This new venture by Paradox is further proof that jazz music is experiencing some revitalization, and with a total of eight artists and groups who will host concerts on Fridays and Saturdays every weekend in April, we consider our nights out sorted. 

Another perk of jazz month is that the performers on the agenda are not solely focused on the Split jazz scene, but goes a step further to host jazzers from other areas in the region.

This month of jazz opens with the band Waveform, who will host a concert on April 6th to perform fusion jazz songs from their released albums. Just one day later, on April 7th, Darko Jurković will take the Paradox stage, who will present the art of playing two guitars at the same time to the Split audience. 

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Darko Jurković

The following weekend, April 13th, is reserved for The Flystones, who will promote their new album "Fire in the Garage" at their Paradox show. The following night, on April 14th, More More acoustic Jazz will serenade the audience with acoustic jazz sounds. 

The third weekend in April is reserved for the composition Desafinados who will perform on April 20th. The Bruno Mecetić's trio will take the stage on the 21st. 

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Radovani Photography 

And finally, the last weekend of jazz month will see the Pavle Jovanović quartet on April 27th, and on April 28th, the A.J.Jazz quintet.

All in all, jazz lovers in Split have no reason to worry about how they’ll spend their weekends in April - and we promise, we’ll see you there! 

Full program

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Source: Music LP Underground 
