“In Croatia, there are about 1500 employees in the ICT sector. In Slovakia, in one county slightly bigger than ours, there are now 15,000 employees in the ICT sector.”,
Today, the first TNT Split conference officially opened at Radisson Blu hotel, which focuses on the latest technological trends and solutions in tourism. The conference organizers are Split-Dalmatia County (ICT counties project), Split Tech City, and Cezar.hr. A friend of the conference is the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, reports Dalmatinski Portal on April 14, 2018.
Joško Stella, director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, emphasized the excellent cooperation of the Tourist Board and the County, and the successful online communication of the Tourist Board with the target audience.
“Our Facebook page is tracked by over 530,000 fans with bigger followings than Budapest, Rome, Paris, and similar major regions. Our YouTube channel has 13.5 million views. That proves how advanced we are,” Stella said.
He concluded that this conference was the beginning of even better cooperation between the Tourist Board and Split-Dalmatia County.
Damir Brčić, project manager of the ICT counties project, emphasized that the County paid particular attention to the development of the ICT sector and tourism.
“Tourism results are well known. However, what we are doing to develop the ICT sector is not as well known. Our goal is to encourage our local IT companies to engage in tourism. This conference is just the beginning of this synergy, and next year we have plans for a much larger conference,” Brčić said.
Split-Dalmatia County prefect Blaženko Boban welcomed the congregation and thanked the organizers and all visitors who recognized this event.
“In our county, there are about 1500 employees in the ICT sector. In Slovakia, in one county slightly bigger than ours, there are 15,000 employees in the ICT sector. This is exactly the development of the ICT sector,” Boban said.
Boban announced that the synergy between tourism and ICT technology would emerge by completing one of the many critical projects - the Visitor Center in Dugopolje next year, where technological solutions will connect all the localities in the county in a single place. He warned about the importance of the pre and postseason, and while it’s easy in July and August, the counties need tourism outside the season. Boban added that the symbiosis of technology and tourism could contribute to year-round tourism.
“The county carries out a series of activities. We are determined to support, organize and help all conferences and activities related to the development of the ICT sector in the county,” Boban added.
The conference is attended by large and small hoteliers, tourist agencies, and private renters. The lecturers are experts from various technology and tourism companies, and the first lecture was on the GDPR regulations, held by lawyer Tatyana Salopek, where she explained how to implement this regulation correctly.
In the lobby of the Radisson Blu Split Hotel, exhibition stands are set where companies present their latest technological solutions and services in tourism.
Translated from Dalmatinski Portal