Sudamja 2018: Full Program for Sv. Duje is Here!

By 26 April 2018

The Split Tourist Board announces the Sudamja 2018 program.

Mass celebrations and ceremonies, concerts, theater performances, film projections and exhibitions, a feast on Marjan, flower exhibition at Đardin and the cellars of Diocletian's palace, various sports tournaments, children's performances, performances by cultural and artistic companies, Gastro Get feasts, and the most exquisite carnival and an evening concert on the Riva with fireworks are just part of the vibrant program of events as part of this year's Sv. Duje (Sudamja) celebration. This year's festivities will take place from May 1st to 13th this year. 

The program this year features the legendary Scottish band Simple Minds, who, after their recently released seventh album titled ‘Walk Between Worlds’, and sold out concerts all over Europe, will come to Split! The show will take place on Žnjan beach on May 5th, in honor of Sv. Duje and the City Day. This will be the first big event on this favorite Split beach that will soon receive a new look and many attractive events. 

On Sunday, May 6th, the people of Split will enjoy the Oxford-Cambridge - Split Regatta. The centuries-old traditions of Sv. Duje is celebrated each year on May 7th, devoted to the bishop of Salona who lived in the era of Emperor Diocletian when he was executed. As you already know, Sv. Duje is the patron saint of the city. 

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The early morning of the Sv. Duje celebration (May 7th) begins with a folk feast in honor of the saint, including a vibrant church program with a central ceremony - a procession with the powers of Sv. Duje from the cathedral, across the Riva, to the altar on Dr. Franjo Tuđman Square where mass will be held. The festival includes many events, from concerts to klapa singing, sales of traditional souvenirs, delicacies and various Croatian products, toys for children and wooden dishes for adults. 

What else can we expect?

As part of the overall celebration, Labor Day (Workers' Day) will be held at Marjan, Varoš will host the traditional feast of Feast of Sv. Križ, and full-length performances of popular Split KUDs including Filip Dević, KUD Brodosplit and KUD Jedinstvo on the Split Riva. 

On May 3rd, a klapa concert will be held titled ‘Meeting of the Dalmatian Klapas’ at the Croatian National Theater Split, and on May 5th, Peristyle will host Sudamja’s festival of spiritual music in honor of the patron saint. On May 4th at Đardin and in the Cellars of Diocletian's Palace, the 43rd Flower Festival will officially open. The celebration will end on May 13th at Marjan for the Day of Marjan. On May 6th at Đardin, visitors will have an opportunity to make the traditional Split cakes.

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This year’s celebration is more fruitful for another praiseworthyy project, the Gastro Get Festival ‘Sudamja’ edition, organized by the City of Split and restaurants in the Split ‘Ghetto’. At Gastro Get, Split restaurants in the Ghetto will offer different menus with selected ingredients, which will be held from May 4th to 7th. 

On May 7th, the Association of Chefs of the Mediterranean and European Regions (SKMER), together with the City of Split and the Split Tourist Board, will organize the “Feast of Dinner and Drinks”, which will distribute dishes to fellow citizens and visitors of Split. More than 4,000 tasty portions will be prepared in oversized pots. 

The Operetta ‘Spli’ski akvarel’ by Ivo Tijardović returns to HNK Split for a performance on May 5th. Along with Mala Floramye, this is the most popular show about the Dalmatian capital. 

Stay tuned for even more Sv. Duje news in the coming days! 

Source and all photos by TZ Split 
