Total Eco Croatia

Skradinski Buk Reaches 10,000 Visitors for the First Time this Summer

By 8 August 2017

This is the first time the famous attraction at NP Krka has reached this number since their limitation of visitors was introduced.

On Monday, August 7th at around 13:00, the number of visitors to Skradinski buk at Krka National Park reached 10,000 - the maximum amount of visitors allowed at the location since the park introduced the new limitation earlier this year, reports Dalmacija News on August 7, 2017. 

"For the first time this summer, the number on the screen showing the number of visitors at Skradinski buk reached 10,000, which means there were no further tickets available to Skradinski buk at that point. After about 20 minutes, however, there were about 80 tickets available again. Visitors are circulating all the time; some are coming in, and some are coming out, and the number of visitors is constantly changing,” explained the Head of the Public Relations Department of NP Krka, Katia Župan.

The limitation on the number of visitors to Skradinski buk at Krka National Park was introduced in June this year, primarily to preserve the nature of this National Park.

Skradinski buk is the longest waterfall on the Krka River. The rising barriers cause the water to flow from the Krka river to the Roški slap and three kilometers below to the river Čikola, creating one of the most unusual and beautiful landscapes of Krka National Park.

Also announced yesterday, the Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of the European Union, the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, and the Public Institution "National Park Krka" signed a grant agreement for projects funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the 2014-2020 financial period for the project "Unknown Krka: Hidden treasures of the upper and middle Krka river," reports HRTurizam on August 7, 2017. 

This project is registered under the call for “Proposals to Promote Sustainable Use of Natural Heritage in National Parks and Nature Parks,” under the operational program "Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.”

"The middle and upper part of Krka is extremely rich in natural phenomena, and cultural and historical heritage, and the Public Institution Krka National Park has been working intensively for decades to valorize and affirm the upstream flow and arrange new visitor attractions to, one on hand, encourage the development of the local economy, and on the other hand, achieve the spatial and temporal dispersion of visitors from Skradinski buk, the most visited waterfall on the Krka river,” said NP Krka of the new project.

The aim of the project is to activate the unused visitor and economic potential of the northern part of Krka National Park. The project will encourage building new infrastructure and developing new educative visitor products and services to achieve better spacing and time schedules of guests for the overall social, economic and ecological prosperity of the park.

Translated from Dalmacija News and HRTurizam 
