
Chinese Invest 30 Million Euro in Krapinske Toplice

By 30 April 2017

After many attempts, Chinese capital has finally begun to enter Croatia.

The Chinese company Zhongya real estate has been registered in Zagreb and is said to have 350 million EUR available, reports HRTurizam on April 30, 2017.

The company is owned by Zhongya Holding, one of the leading developers from the Guangdong province. The first construction project will take place in Krapinske Toplice and is valued at 30 million EUR.

"This is the first Chinese investor who has registered their company and transferred money to the Republic of Croatia. By this summer, it would be necessary to start work on the construction of mini-villas and apartments, facilities for the accommodation of spa guests, and hospitals in Krapinske Toplice. Chinese investors are also interested in building a retirement home and a public garage project. They intend to buy hotel Toplice from the current owners, which would raise the 4-star rating,” said Mario Rendulić, president of CSEBA (Chinese Southeast European Business Association).

CSEBA is an association authorized to represent Chinese interests in the countries of Southeast Europe and serves as a service to the Chinese authorities while promoting Croatia and its investment potential.

"Representatives of Chinese investors have come to Krapinske Toplice several times. The enthusiasm of Mayor Ernest Svažić, who has been heavily engaged in negotiations for three years and presented a great development plan, has strongly influenced the fact that the Chinese signed a strategic investment contract worth 350 million EUR in the Republic of Croatia with CSEBA representatives in Hong Kong. Zhongya real estate has begun recruiting people with due diligence for an entire series of projects, for example in Zadar and Pag,” added Rendulić.

Krapinske Toplice is located in a green valley surrounded by hills in the heart of the Croatian Zagorje - only 45 kilometers northwest of Zagreb. The area has long been known as a thermal spa and a bathing resort thanks to the healing water from four thermal springs. There are numerous facilities that exploit the many benefits of the thermal springs, making this area a health and vacation oasis.
