On 31st July 2017, Enrico Cossutta posted a video showing his boat being attacked by a local adamant on pulling up their anchor. Comments immediately started to fly from both the Italian and Croatian sides, but we wanted to hear Cossutta’s thoughts on Croatia after the incident.
Ah, social media, I think it is safe to say most of us have a love-hate relationship with it. It is an incredible tool for keeping in touch and up-to-date with the latest happenings, but it also allows people to voice strong opinions, often with very little grounding. As my father says – "opinions are like a*******, everybody has one."
Needless to say, I was shocked when I first watched the video and saddened for Enrico and his family to have experienced this, because this is not the Croatia I know and love. But I was even more saddened, when people on both sides of the fence, immediately jumped to ‘bashing’ the other. To sum up and paraphrase a handful of comments I read, it was something like – ‘Italians are notoriously bad seamen, he probably deserved it…’ (from the Croatian side), to ‘just another incident by locals with low IQ after your money’ (from the Italian side). Keyboard warriors I like to call them, ready to jump in, belittle, complain or attack from afar.
However, I am pleased to say this was the minority (as with the incident in the video), the majority recognised that this is not something that happens everywhere and regardless of who was at fault – violence is never the answer. One of my favourite comments was “There are just a few individuals who are spoiling the scenery…idiots have no nationality, they are a common worldwide species.”
No one can (or should) deny that the local’s actions were well out of line, and they are in no way (or should in no way), be condoned.
Regardless of the online bickering and some local media resorting to getting the town gossip to make a story, I was more interested in what Cossutta had to say – not about the incident (you can read more here), but rather his impressions of Croatia.
Enrico Cossutta has been sailing in Croatia for twenty years (so that should lay to rest the fact that he was probably an inexperienced sailor, who ‘deserved’ it). I had a few questions for him about what keeps bringing him back to sail the Adriatic year after year.
Why have you been returning to sail in Croatia for 20 years?
My home base is in Trieste and I consider Croatia the most beautiful coast on the Adriatic. There is no better place to sail, the variety of options makes every year a new experience.
Are there any improvements you would like to see in regards to sailing in Croatia?
The best improvements that could be made are regulations in general. I would also love to see a better public forecast system.
And… I’d love to see flotillas banned! *he added jokingly*
Cossutta with his wife and child, enjoying the Adriatic.
What are your favourite areas to sail?
My favourite spots are… top secret! I don’t want to see them invaded by charters (an answer I get all the time from sailors, no sailor in his right mind would give away his sailing secrets).
But, if I had to choose a region, I would say I LOVE Central and South Dalmatia; unfortunately, the southern islands are too far away and I’d love to have more days to sail there.
Visiting National Park Krka on their sailing itinerary
What was your sailing route this year?
We sailed south to Primošten and back to Trieste in two weeks. Everything was perfect except the ‘guy’ in Silba. I already knew about him, last year he lost his concession and I hope he will lose it again.
Cossutta; Premuda
Is there any advice or any last words you would like to share with other sailors?
Respect for Croatia’s beautiful sea and the people!
Do you have any sustainable tips at sea, or how do you take care of the Adriatic while you are sailing here?
I NEVER stop in protected areas… I just sail through.
Cossuta; Brijuni
So, there you have it, from the mouth of an Italian tourist whose boat was attacked in Silba, he had nothing but positive things to say about sailing in Croatia. He didn’t use it as an opportunity to badmouth Croatia or even the people here. And, not only has he not let it affect his perception or experience of Croatia, but his final words were for people to take care of the sea and people here!
Thank you, Enrico Cossutta for sharing your story and your experience of sailing in Croatia. From the photos you sent us, it is easy to understand why you love sailing in Croatia so much - as do we!
If you are or have been sailing in Croatia, why not visit Total Croatia Sailing for the latest news and stories on the Adriatic and LIKE their Facebook page to stay up-to-date.
All photos courtesy of Enrico Cossutta's 2017 Dalmatian Sailing Adventure.