
Swedish Travel News: Croatia Most Sought After Holiday Destination for 2021

By 7 December 2020

December the 7th, 2020 - The ongoing coronavirus pandemic all but wrote off international travel for tourism this year, and Sweden, which made headlines across the world for its unique approach to the spread of SARS-CoV-2, has highlighted just which countries are high on the list for Swedes needing some sun in 2021. The Swedish Travel News tourist portal has transmitted information that Croatia is high on that list.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, according to the data published by the tour operator TUI Nordic, which has also transmitted by the Swedish Travel News tourism portal, Croatia is currently among the most sought-after tourist destinations for would-be Swedish tourists, according to Vedran Susic, the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board Representation over in Sweden.

Namely, twice as many trips were booked in Sweden last week than were booked just one week before, and when these figures are compared with those from a month ago, the number of bookings has tripled. At the same time, Croatia, along with Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus and Antalya, stands out as one of the favourites when it comes to the most common choice of tourist destinations for the Swedes next year.

The announcement also states that travel bookings were positively affected by the news of the coronavirus vaccine which is now closer than ever, while Adam Gyorki, Head of Communications at TUI, added that the increased number of bookings, in addition to the news about the vaccine, has positively affected the great desire to travel on Northern European markets such as that of Germany or the United Kingdom, and as such, the Swedish market as well.

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