
Archaeology from the Air Exhibition Staged in Dubrovnik

By 21 August 2022
Archaeology from the Air Exhibition Staged in Dubrovnik

ZAGREB, 21 August, 2022 - The exhibition called "Archaeology from the Air" showing some attractive aerial photographs of archaeological sites in Croatia was opened in Dubrovnik last Thursday.

The event, which will run through 1 October, aims at presenting some of the most interesting and attractive aerial photographs of archaeological sites.

The authors of the exhibition are Miroslav Vuković of the Department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, and Jacqueline Balen of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.

Archaeology and aerial photography share a common history that goes back to the beginning of the 20th century when the first aerial photographs of Stonehenge and the forum in Rome were taken from a balloon, it was said in the announcement of the exhibition.

The exhibition has been staged at Lazareti in cooperation with the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb and the Dubrovnik Museums.
