Total Hvar's roving wine reporter Zdravko Podolski has all the tough assignments... Here he is, reporting back from yet more Hvar wine success, this time in Zagreb.
When the annual Wine Stars awards were announced at the recently completed VINOcom Wine and Food fair in Zagreb , two Hvar wines earned four gold stars.
From 240 wines being judged by no less than 26 judges, Zlatan Plavac Grand Cru 2010 and Carić Plovac Ploški 2009 broke through the magic 90 points and joined the exclusive group of only 34 other four star winners. Both wines are made from native Dalmatian variety Plavac Mali which is a cousin of Zinfandel.
The Wine Stars competition is conducted annualy and judges wines from all over the world.
For more details read the Total Croatia News Article and check out the links below.
Vinske Zvijezde blog -
Vinske Zvijezde Facebook page -
VINOcom web page -
Vina Carić -
Zlatan Otok Wines -