I wish you all have wonderful holidays enjoying food, family and friends or anything else you might love to do these days. We have great time being with each other, talking, playing and dancing. Just as I love it.
And there another thing we are very much looking forward to. The Christmas Gala Concert of the Church Choir of St. Cecilia, which will take place tomorrow on December 26, 2015 at 19:00 at the the Church of the Assumption in Jelsa.

I was amazed by their performance this summer. Together with several guests from the Croatian National Theatre, lead by their fantastic choirmaster Slavko Reljc, they prepared a wonderful evening for all of us. I feel very lucky and proud. Jelsa has one amazing choir and is is a pleasure to listen to their performance, every time.

And there will be guests tomorrow too: Alma Mimica (soprano), Žaklina Stevkovska (mezzo-soprano), Stefan Kokoškov (tenor), Stipe Božiković (tenor), Dario Belić (baritone), Vlatka Buj (reciter), Klapa Galešnik (Hvar), Tomi Domančić (organ), Andro Novak (drums) and Children´s Choir Slavuj (Jelsa).

Everyone welcome to enjoy Jelsa´s Choir of St. Cecilia conducted by Slavko Reljić. See you there!!
UPDATE: Due to sickness of some of the performers, the concert had to be rescheduled to January 10, 2016.