A few years ago I received a very nice Facebook message from a young Hvar lady called Marija who was studying marketing in Zagreb. I didn't know who she was but it remains my favourite message of the thousands I have received during the Total Hvar project.
Marija had just been to a seminar on digital marketing and promotion in tourism, and she wrote that she wished I had been there, for she finally realised just what the Total Hvar project was trying to achieve and that we were the only ones doing anything remotely like it on Hvar.
It was a message I will always cherish.
The message led to a conversation, which led to a friendship, and an introduction to one of the most impressive and hard-working families on Hvar, with two of the best restaurants to go with that, Djordjota Vartal and Zbondini in Velo Grablje.
Ah Velo Grablje again. The fact is, it is a wonderful village and a wonderful story of regeneration, and the opening of Zbondini last year was a major boost for the village, and just one more reason to visit this fantastic village. Check out the opening party last year in the video below.
And did I mention that Marija and family are hard-working? While much of Hvar Town, and especially the restaurants, sleep, Zbondini will be opening its doors for an International Women's Day special on March 8 - a four-course special for 150 kuna.
So, if you are looking to impress your lady, is there a better way on Hvar next week? Contact details below and follow Zbondini on Facebook.
And say hi to Marija from me...
Dan žena u Velom Grablju!
Provedite ugodnu večer u konobi Zbondini:
- prigodan menu u 4 slijeda (150 kn po osobi)
-info: inbox ili na broj 0915777974