
Ryanair Asking for 12,5 Million Kuna in Incentives, Zadar Delegation Urgently Flies to Dublin

By 16 October 2015

Ryanair is asking for additional 800 000 kuna through the joint advertising programme, Tourist Board will do everything to keep them in Zadar

Even though Ryanair received a whopping 11,7 million kuna in incentives in 2015 through HTZ's joint advertising programme, this company is now asking for more money in order to start the recently announced Berlin flight to Zadar, and to strengthen existing lines.

According to Zadarski list, tough negotiations started in Dublin on October 16, 2015 between the representatives of Ryanair, and the delegation representing Zadar consisting of the Zadar Airport Director Irena Čosić, Commercial director Tomislav Žepin, Deputy Mayor of Zadar Ivica Vlakić and Zadar County Tourist Board Director Mihaela Kadija.

Even though Ryanair's Commercial Director David O'Brien confirmed that the new flights will commence in April 2016 and include new flights from Berlin as we already reported here on Total Croatia News agreement is yet to be reached regarding financing and the contracts have not yet been signed. Since it was in the best interest of all parties involved not to inform the media of this slight "glitch" in the system, no one mentioned it during previous press conferences and Zadar delegation is certain they will be able to persuade the Irish to sign the contract during their visit.

So, what exactly caused this problem? Well, it's the exact same obstacle every year around contract signing time - Tourist Board's Joint advertising programme or in other words financing.  To keep existing destinations, increase their frequency and to add Berlin as a new destination in 2016, Ryanair is asking for more funds than last year, but even though the amount is not significantly greater  (75 000 EUR) those funds have to be secured from somewhere, and at the moment Tourist Board is stretched to the very limit. Joint advertising contract parties are barely fulfilling their obligations as it is and Zadar Airport has been crediting them for years but since the Tourist Board is very well aware of the numbers this company brings in, according to Zadarski list, their delegation will do everything they can to get the contract signed as soon as possible. 

