
Record Tourist Numbers for Croatia So Far This Year

By 5 December 2016

The latest tourism statistics for Croatia were presented at a meeting of the Tourism Council.

In the first eleven months of this year, Croatia was visited by 16.6 million tourists, who made 90.7 million overnight stays, which is 10.2 and 14 percent more than in the same period last year respectively, according to the data from the eVisitor and eCrew systems which were presented on Monday at a meeting of the Tourism Council of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ), reports on December 5, 2016.

Presenting the data, director of the HTZ Main Office Ratomir Ivičić noted that the growth of the volume of tourist traffic means that in the first 11 months of this year Croatia was visited by 1.5 million tourists more than last year, and that there was an increase of 11.5 million in the number of overnight stays. Just in November, there was an increase of 21 percent in the number of tourist arrivals and of 33 percent in the number of overnight stays compared to last November.

“Croatia has recorded this year an increase in tourist traffic from all international markets. Most of the tourists came from Germany, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Poland and Austria. Similar trends of increase in tourist traffic are expected in December as well”, said Ivičić.

Regarding expectations for the coming year, he said that it was too early for serious forecasts, but that the first information and data from tour-operators from foreign markets were positive, all the more so since many of them have already announced new travel programmes for Croatia in 2017.

“Initial information from online and other tour-operators show an increase in sales for next April, which is aided by a more favourable date for Easter, as well as for June, also due to state holidays. The trend is so far positive for other months of the next year as well. Given the news about new air services, especially from France, Scandinavia, Britain and Germany, it is reasonable to expect further increase in the number of arrivals and overnight stays in the next year, as well as in tourist spending”, concluded Ivičić.
