
Future of INA and Sisak Refinery in Question

By 14 December 2016

The largest Croatian oil company is a perennial topic in Croatian politics.

SDP president Davor Bernardić visited Sisak on Wednesday and met with representatives of the workers of the oil refinery in Sisak, which is part of INA, the largest Croatian oil company. Bernardić announced that his party would launch an interpellation in Parliament on the situation in INA where, according to him, it is necessary to protect workers and production processes, reports on December 14, 2016.

“We put the emphasis on the protection of workers and of production processes. Our message is clear – the government needs to take the reins in its own hands and protect Croatian national interests. We are ready to offer them cooperation, but that means that we must not give up on the right to veto, which further means that we have to see how to protect workers and the production in INA. We expect that the government will offer solutions, and we are willing to help them. We will initiate a debate about it and we will also file an interpellation in Parliament about INA”, said Bernadić after the meeting.

Representatives of workers informed SDP leadership about numerous issues, especially regarding the removal of oil from the Sisak refinery to other locations, and Bernardić urged the government to prevent the removal of oil from the Sisak refinery. “There should be no divisions about this issue and Croatia must demonstrate unity, just like we did during the Homeland War. We will advocate for keeping the production in Croatia, increasing the company’s profitability and protection of jobs, in a strategic relationship with MOL, but also without them, if they do not want to take part”, said SDP president.

The head of the Committee for Protection of Sisak Refinery Predrag Sekulić thanked SDP for their initiative and he especially thanked Bernardić for his willingness to resolve the issue with a consensus and initiate a debate in Parliament. “INA has a future, probably not under MOL, but the Croatian government and all political factors must be involved. If INA is a strategic and national company, then we have to act that way. We are worried about the removal of oil, because MOL is working on it, and in the following days we may be forced to block the railway tracks if the government does not make the right decision”, said Sekulić.

The meeting at the Sisak Refinery Community Centre was also attended by Mayor of Sisak Kristina Ikić Baniček.

Workers at the Sisak refinery fear that MOL, which co-owns INA together with the Croatian government, want to close down the production there and transfer it to Rijeka, where the only other Croatian refinery is located.
