German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, in their annual review, has chosen Croatian mobile application Photomath among the top 10 applications of 2016.
Photomath, a calculator for complex mathematical functions such as linear equations and algorithms, allows the user to use their mobile camera to solve math equations. With Photomath, the user will simply take a photo of the math equation, Photomath then scans the handwriting, automatically solves the task, and provides a result.
The two year old application by company MicroBlink is backed by serial entrepreneur and angel investor Damir Sabol, who never ceases to attract media attention. The application has thus far been downloaded more than 40 million times and is also consistently among the top five educational applications in the United States, reports on December 28, 2016.
The German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, in their annual review, has named the Photomath application among the top 10 best applications of 2016. In their annual review, Photomath was found in the company of well known applications such as Google’s Allo which is based on artificial intelligence, and Prism, a very popular application for photo editing. Der Spiegel is published in Hamburg and is one of Europe's largest publications of its kind, with a weekly circulation of 840,000.
The Croatian application is available for both Android and iOS and is praised because of its variety and simplicity, among others.