
Ivan Orehovac: I'll Build a New ''Microsoft'' in Croatia!

Ivan Orehovac is currently working on an independently developed smart management system for the most popular photo sharing app on the planet - Instagram.

As Poslovni Dnevnik reports on the 29th of July, 2017, there is more incredible news and even more incredible talent from young Croatian masterminds. Meet Ivan!

Ivan Orehovac is a young Croatian programmer who, after graduating from his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Electronics and Computing (FER), is going to work at the internationally renowned Microsoft for three months. Upon his return to Croatia, with dogged determination, he says he intends to build a new ''Microsoft'' in Croatia. Yet, when asked what he considers to be the greatest of his past achievements so far, he says it is the launch of the start up ''CodeIna'' and the creation of a social network for God fearing people called ''Holy''.

Various products made by ''CodeIna'' are used across 20 countries, among which, the most prominent are the United States, Germany, India and Iraq. There are plans in the works to expand further and to even more markets.

"It is a remarkable feeling when thousands of people use the system that you have built from its foundations'' Orehovac told Poslovni.

He also believes that Croatia is slowly feeling an awakening of entrepreneurship, praising the institutions with whom he has been able to cooperate so far - primarily the Startup Factory Zagreb, then the Blue Office in Zagreb and Hamag-Bicro (Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments).

"With the support of these institutions, I believe that anybody with little desire and education can do something great. There are a number of regulations that I deem to be unnecessary, especially [those applied] to people at the beginning of business,'' Orehovac added. 

He stressed that in the case of serious work, things can often take months in Croatia, and that needless amount of time taken can in itself destroy the project in conditions where new things are happening on a global scale every day.

"All the good quality projects that want to make a profit are hugely tempted to open companies outside of Croatia. After all, Rimac Automobili is the perfect example to learn from. I believe that everyone, even from Croatia can succeed if they don't look upon obstacles as problems but as challenges.''

The main product involved in the CodeIna start up is quite interesting. Namely, it is about the aforementioned ''Holy'' - a global social network for religious people - whose goal is to create a safe place for those individuals to comfortably share their needs and to support others through their own experiences. It is expected that this product will soon become a unique platform for organising and conducting religious trips and events.

"I personally developed a smart management system for Instagram for digital agencies that I have developed as part of my final work at FER, and we are trying to make common decisions on everything. Every team member brings a new dimension to different orthogonalities and to the features of the software that needs to be implemented. Everyone has complete freedom to express themselves in their own way, because they have come a lot far ahead of others in the same area'' added Orehovac.

"Since we're dealing with software solutions that do not have physical constraints, it is logical that we have to look internationally at the very beginning. The Internet is a wonderful thing and still almost no one truly understands how great it is, and how many new opportunities it opens to each individual" concluded Orehovac.

We would like to wish Ivan all the luck in the world!


Excerpts taken and translated from
