
Unlike in Rest of EU, Real Estate Prices in Croatia Continue to Fall

The European real estate market is slowly stabilising in all parts of EU except in Croatia, reports Poslovni dnevnik on July 31, 2017.

According to data collected by Eurostat, the European agency for statistics, real estate prices have increased by 4% in the Eurozone and by 4.5% in the European Union, measured using the House Price Index (HPI). HPI takes 2015 for a referential year that has a value of 100 and is used to determine the index.

Comparing the last quarter of 2016 with the first of 2017, real estate prices have increased by 0.4% in the Eurozone and by 0.7% in the whole of EU.

The biggest increase was recorded in the Czech Republic (12.8%), Lithuania (10.2%) and Latvia (10.1%); the largest decline in the same period was recorded in Croatia (0.4%) and Italy (0.1%). Both countries are the only ones that experienced a decline in real estate prices.
