
List of Top 10 Companies in Croatia Published: Ina First, Lidl Jumps Ahead 100 Places

By 18 August 2017

Fina published a list of top 10 companies in Croatia

The Financial Agency (Fina) has released an analysis/rank list of the top ten companies by total revenue for the period from 2007 to 2016, reports Vijesti RTL.

Fina's report shows that the total of 20 companies was featured in the rank lists for the period from 2007 to 2016, three of which were featured in all of the rank lists. Ina, HEP and HT are the three companies that have consistently been in top ten companies according to total revenues over the past ten years.

First-ranked Ina, a mixed-ownership company, has been the company which earned the highest revenue every year in ten years. In the period from 2007 to 2016, Ina reduced its revenue from HRK 24 billion, earned in 2007, to HRK 15.1 billion, collected last year. The company earned the biggest revenue in 2011, when it collected HRK 28,1 billion.

HEP, a state-owned company, was regularly ranked second or third in the period from 2007 to 2016, sharing its place with Konzum, a privately owned company, which is not on the list for 2016 because it has not submitted an annual financial report, states Fina. Last year, HEP was the second-largest company in Croatia earning revenue of almost HRK 8.9 billion, while in 2015 it was third with earned revenue of HRK 9.5 billion. In 2015, Konzum supermarket chain earned a total revenue of HRK 14.9 billion, which put the company in second place, where it most often ranked in the period 2007-2015.

Another mixed-ownership company, HT, has been ranked in the fourth or fifth place in the observed period by the amount of income realized.

Zagreb Holding was ranked among the top 10 companies with the highest income from 2007 to 2016, with the exception of 2014 (11th place) and 2015 (13th place). It is worth pointing out that Zagreb Holding generates part of the revenue from grants and state subsidies, whose shares in the total income have changed from year to year - from 15.5 to 21.4 percent.

According to the total revenue in 2016, Pliva ranked fifth with a revenue of HRK 4.6 billion, while Petrol came sixth with earned revenues of HRK 4.3 billion.

Supermarket chains - Lidl Croatia with the revenue of HRK4 billion, Plodine with HRK 3.87 billion and Kaufland Croatia with revenue of HRK 3.37 billion, have all earned a spot among the top ten companies Croatia for the year 2016. Lidl Croatia and Kaufland Croatia are new companies among the top ten, with Lidl achieving the highest jump in the ranking in the past 10 years; from 107th place in 2007 to seventh place in 2016.

You can see the list of top ten companies in Croatia by revenue in 2016 below:

  1. Ina
  1. HEP
  1. HEP- Distribution System Operator
  1. HT
  1. Pliva Croatia
  1. Petrol
  1. Lidl Croatia
  1. Plodine
  1. Kaufland Croatia
  1. Zagreb Holding


Translated from Vijesti RTL

