
First Croatian ICO Raises 2.6 Million Dollars

By 28 September 2017

This is the most successful crowdfunding campaign in Croatian history.

Digital Assets Power Play (DA Power Play), a financial and technological start-up for the automation of digital currency trading, concluded the first successful ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in Croatia and became the most successful crowdfunding campaign in Croatian history, reports on September 28, 2017.

In just six days, the start-up went through the 2.1 million dollar minimum capitalisation threshold and raised a total of 2.6 million dollars (or 8,479 currency units called Ether, part of the Ethereum network protocol). The funds will be used to continue the development and further improvement of the platform that will be put into operation within six months.

The first Croatian ICO was achieved by founders of the Digital Assets Power Play – Matej Ujević (CEO), Nikola Jokić (CTO), Saša Hunjak (CFO) and Milovan Pasini (COO). Including the founders, the project is currently run by a team of seven people.

“We want for the crypto-currency trade to be straightforward and accessible to everyone. Using our platform, we want to allow users to design strategies and automate trading with transparent and visible data based on the blockchain technology. The DA Power Play platform will help create a democratised Wall Street. With our platform, we want to enable the revolution in the trading of crypto-currencies,” said Matej Ujević, co-founder and CEO of DA Power Play.

The first Croatian ICO started collecting funds on 19 September. After two days of presales, a five-day public sales phase followed. The minimum target for the crowdfunding campaign was 2.1 million dollars (8,236 in the Ether currency), while the highest expectations for capitalisation were set at 5.1 million dollars or 20,000 Ethers for 25 percent of tokens.

The DPP tokens (100,000,000 units issued) are a newly created crypto-currency that will be used to build a distributed economy between interested parties on the global platform, including – but not limited to – hedge funds, property managers, traders, developers and investors. The DPP tokens will be used as a means of payment for platform services and value transfer, creating a peer-to-peer economy for the platform. The DPP tokens will be listed on several crypto-exchanges around the world, making DPP tokens available to everyone.

One of the primary goals of DA Power Play is to provide a platform that will be accessible to everyone and at all times. DA Power Play will be available on iOS and Android devices, as well as a desktop application. It will enable users to build, simulate and manage their algorithmic trading strategies.

The platform will provide users with historical and current data from 20 global stock exchanges, as well as technical indicators, integrating other data such as news feeds, social feeds and market trends, enabling algorithms to manage digital assets and risks. News and social feeds analysis will be provided by Mediatoolkit, and the project is also part of the Microsoft BizSpark programme.

DA Power Play is the fourth blockchain start-up which has passed through, the leading platform for developing prospective blockchain start-up companies.

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