
Panturist Responds to Traveller Dissatisfaction, Explains 72 Bus Line Cuts

By 7 February 2018

Slavonia's negative demographic trends are having their knock-on effects even for public transport companies.

The President of the Panturist Board, Saša Ilić, explained why the lines were abolished.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 7th of February, 2018, this week in Slavonia and Baranja, Panturist unfortunately got rid of around 72 bus lines, causing an incredible, but more than understandable amount of dissatisfaction for its customers. The President of Panturist, Saša Ilić, explained why the lines were abolished.

"Over the last few years, and with the escalation over the last few months, as well as other carriers performing public line services in the Slavonian counties, we're faced with an extremely negative phenomena that has a significant impact on our business," Ilić stated in conversation with tportal.

''First of all, there's a drastic decline in the number of passengers caused primarily by negative demographic trends and the simultaneous growth in operating costs due to increased fuel prices and other direct costs. The rationalisation of departures on individual lines is necessary in order to ensure sustainable business, ie, to stop generating losses," explained Ilić.

He added that Arriva currently employs 579 people within its two companies in Slavonia and Baranja.
