
5G Mobile Network Coverage Expanding

By 15 February 2018

Vipnet leads the implementation of the 5G network in Croatia.

With the help of virtual reality, Vipnet has demonstrated the next generation of mobile and fixed technologies that have already been implemented in the Vip network. In the fixed segment, the company has shown 4Gbit/s speeds on the new generation of home modems which Vipnet is already testing with users, while in the mobile sector it demonstrated the 5G functionality with the 750 Mbit/s speed that is already supported by more than 10 percent of mobile devices in Croatia, reports Večernji List on February 15, 2018.

“We have shown that Vipnet is the first operator to start with the strong development of the 5G technology. With the early adoption, we will not only ensure the leadership position in the implementation of the next generation technologies but we also significantly improve the experience of users of the existing 4G technologies,” said Tomislav Makar from Vipnet.

The successful implementation of the 5G network demands strategic support which is based on providing preconditions for further operator investments, such as the construction of large-capacity transport optical networks to each county and major tourist centres. Funds for this project have been secured by the EU, but Croatia is late with the implementation.

Vipnet has also published its annual business results. The last year was a year of growth for Vipnet, with revenues of 434.9 million euro, which was 2.6 percent more than 2016. The company also recorded an increase in the number of mobile users by 1.7 percent, an increase in monthly spending by the user by 0.6 percent. All this has led the company to increase its market share by 0.5 percent.

Due to increased revenue, the EBITDA increased by 9.6 percent to 108 million euro. In 2017, Vipnet invested a total of 84.7 million euro, which is 4.6 percent more than in 2016. Vipnet's optical infrastructure currently reaches more than 470,000 households, with the entire network offering speeds above 100Mbit/s.

“We have ended the year with great achievement in the premium sports content segment, ensuring the rights to broadcast UEFA Champions League matches. By combining mobile and fixed technologies, Vipnet covers all households in Croatia with technologies that meet the requirements of the 2025 Digital Agenda and enable speeds above 100Mbit/s. Unfortunately, despite Vipnet's efforts and its contribution to the construction of optical networks, Croatia remains lagging behind the rest of the European Union. Therefore, Croatia must not miss the opportunity to use the resources for the construction of optical networks with minimum speeds of 100 Mbit/s. Building a new infrastructure would strongly encourage the creation of equal opportunities for the development of all parts of Croatia, significantly reducing the gap between urban and rural areas,” said Jiri Dvorjančanski, the CEO of Vipnet.

Translated from Večernji List (reported by Tanja Ivančić).
