
Parliament Adopts Laws to Liberalise Taxi Services and Regulate Personal Data Protection

By 27 April 2018

ZAGREB, April 27, 2018 - The Croatian parliament on Friday adopted the Road Transport Act, which is expected to liberalise taxi services, facilitate licensing and abolish the mandatory tests for drivers for the area they cover.

The government expects that with the liberalisation of the market the number of taxi drivers will double. Their number currently stands at about 3,000, which the government thinks is too few for a tourist country such as Croatia. Taxi services are also expected to become cheaper.

Also passed was the Act Implementing the General Data Protection Regulation, which takes effect on May 25. The law should ensure more careful and responsible handling of personal data, and provides for the establishment of a supervisory body, the Personal Data Protection Agency. It also provides for fines in case of violation of the law.

Parliament adopted the annual report on state aid for 2016 and forwarded into second reading the Chamber of Agriculture Bill, the Audiovisual Activities Bill, the Capital Market Bill and the Probation Bill.

Several new items were added to the agenda, including the State Property Management Bill, proposed conclusions on the launch of negotiations to amend the agreements between the Holy See and Croatia, and the report on the work of the State Prosecutor's Office for 2017.
