
Croatia Airlines Allowed to Borrow 8.5 Million Euro

By 4 May 2018

ZAGREB, May 4, 2018 - The Croatian government, at its meeting in Split on Friday, granted permission to the national flag carrier Croatia Airlines to take out a long-term club loan of up to 8.5 million euro from the Croatian postal bank HPB and Privredna Banka Zagreb to finance the maintenance of aircraft engines.

The loan is to be repaid by 31 December 2022 at an interest rate equal to the sum of a three-month EURIBOR and a margin of 3.07 percentage points annually, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Oleg Butković said.

The award of the loan does not require a state guarantee or funds from the state budget, the minister said.

The government adopted a regulation on the setup, content and administration of a central electronic register of development projects, which will be used as the basis for programming the use of EU funding in the EU's next financial period. The register will be set up and administered by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds.
