
In Economy Competitiveness Rankings, Croatia Slips Two Positions

By 24 May 2018

ZAGREB, May 23, 2018 - Croatia is ranked 61st of the 63 leading economies whose competitiveness has been assessed by the Lausanne-based Institute for Management Development (IMD).

The first issue of the IMD competitiveness yearbook was introduced in July of 1989. It studied 32 economies and regions and made a clear distinction between developed (all OECD economies) and newly industrialised countries. The three highest ranked economies were Japan, Switzerland and the USA.

This year, the United States is at the top of the rankings, climbing from last's year's position number 4. Hong Kong, which was number one last year, is second, followed by Singapore, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, Norway, Sweden and Canada.

This year, Croatia slipped by two positions to 61st place from the 59th in the report for 2017, with the country's overall score 56.519 points, according to a press release issued by the Croatian National Competitiveness Council on Wednesday.

The Competitiveness rankings are compiled on the basis of the fulfilment of a total of 346 criteria, and two thirds of them refer to statistical indicators, and a third is based on opinions and assessments of business people.

At the bottom of the list are Mongolia (62nd) and Venezuela (63rd)
