
Does Croatia's ACI Have its Eye on Slovenia's Marina Portorož?

By 3 September 2018

The value of the transaction is estimated at approximately 21 million euro, which allegedly includes 7.5 million euro of debt.

As Ana Blaskovic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 2nd of September, 2018, the Adriatic Croatia International Club, better known as ACI, a state-owned company which owns 22 marinas from Savudrija all the way down to the extreme south of Dubrovnik, was involved in the ''race'' for the purchase of Marina Portorož in neighbouring Slovenia.

Deep analysis of the competitor in the Savudrija, just a few kilometres from the ACI marina located in Umag, was confirmed on Friday to investors at the Zagreb Stock Exchange. "Marina Portorož, as well as a number of other locations along the Adriatic, is certainly interesting with its commercial potential, with ACI conducting business analysis procedures that precede the consideration of the possibility of entering into any negotiations. ACI expressed interest in acquiring Marina Portorož dd, but on a legally non-binding basis for the time being,'' the statement said.

The potential acquisition is more than just a matter of good economic calculation given the fact that the site of the Savudrijska vala (Piran Bay), which, following the arbitration decision between Croatia and Slovenia, is a topic that is unlikely to be properly dealt with for years, especially due to the fact that Croatia has refused to accept the decision at all as yet.

Marina Portorož is owned by Terme Čatež, and whether or not an offer will be submitted by ACI will depend on the outcome of the shooting situation.

The value of the transaction is estimated at approximately 21 million euro, which is allegedly an amount which takes into account 7.5 million euro of debt.

With 22 marinas located throughout the Adriatic, in 2017, ACI achieved 201 million kuna of revenue and 25 million kuna gross profit with their rich and varied portfolio of Adriatic locations.

At the same time, Slovenia's Marina Portorož itself realised 5.7 million euro in revenue last year, equal to about 42 million kuna.


Click here for the original article by Ana Blaskovic for Poslovni Dnevnik
