
Protection and Rescue Services Get Aid from EU Funds

By 10 September 2018

ZAGREB, September 10, 2018 - Croatian Interior Minister Davor Božinović, Environmental Protection and Energy Minister Tomislav Ćorić and Water Management company director Zoran Đuraković signed on Monday an agreement on the supply of new radio and communication equipment for protection and rescue services, worth 37 million kuna, 85% of which will be financed from EU funds and the rest from the state budget.

The project will be implemented by the Interior Ministry and the end beneficiaries are the Civil Protection Service, the National Protection and Rescue Directorate, the Croatian Firefighting Association and the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service.

After signing the agreement, Božinović recalled last year's floods, wildfires and landslides, saying that after the situation on the ground was analysed it was concluded that the equipment was outdated and in some cases incompatible.
