
Companies Awarded for Socially Responsible Practices

By 20 November 2018

ZAGREB, November 20, 2018 - This year's winners of the awards for socially responsible practices are the AD Plastik in the category of big companies, Hipp Croatia in the medium-sized enterprises and Media Val in small businesses, whereas Eko Murvica is the best public company in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR), according to the results measured by the CSR indices.

These winners and other winners in the CSR categories were presented with the awards at the 10th annual conference on corporate social responsibility in Zagreb on Tuesday.

Addressing the event, Energy and Environment Protection Minister Tomislav Ćorić underscored Croatia's success in meeting goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

"I will recall that the latest U.N. agenda on sustainable development puts Croatia on the 21st place among 155 countries. This is one of the rankings on which Croatia is among the best performers in the world," the minister said.

In the UN's sustainable development rankings for 2018, which measures countries' progress in meeting targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Croatia was ranked 21st out of 155 nations, moving up 15 places from the first report released in 2016.

"Through the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, world governments agreed to work on eradicating poverty and famine, on developing education systems, health care available to all, gender equality, and reducing inequality in their countries," the N1 commercial broadcaster reported.

"In terms of efforts to sustainably develop their societies, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, and France topped this year's list, business daily Poslovni Dnevnik reported on Monday," the broadcaster said on its website.

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