
Croatian Companies to Use Services of German Chambers of Commerce

By 10 May 2019

ZAGREB, May 10, 2019 - The Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) on Friday signed an agreement with the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) under which Croatian companies operating abroad would be able to use the services of German foreign trade chambers under the same terms as German companies, the HGK said.

HGK president Luka Burilović said that only an export-oriented economy could guarantee sustainable long-term development to Croatia.

"The agreement means easier access to the markets where DIHK has foreign trade representations, and we are talking about more than 140 locations in 92 countries," Burilović said, calling on all HGK members to use that support on the ground in all markets where they have a business interest.

The services to be provided to the HGK by German foreign trade chambers include market research, support in the search for business partners and accounting services.

The HGK is a natural partner to the German network of chambers, which comprises 79 chambers of industry and commerce (IHK) in Germany, representations and foreign trade chambers (AHK) around the world and the DIHK, based in Berlin and Brussels, said DIHK deputy director Volker Treier.

More news about relations between Croatia and Germany can be found in the Politics section.
