
Quick Delivery Services More and More Popular in Croatia

By 27 August 2019

You might have noticed people in bright coloured shirts riding around on bikes in Croatia over the last year or so. These independent delivery services are becoming more and more popular with the Croatian population, and they quickly deliver everything from food to medicine.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 27th of August, 2019, after annoying some of Zagreb's hospitality facility owners by listing them in their application (app) without their explicit permission, Glovo has gone from strength to strength and employed more than 400 people to do deliveries around the city after being in business for just five months in Zagreb.

In addition, they now cooperate with more than 100 hospitality facility owners, some of whom are offering their services online for the very first time, and finally entering the 21st century, according to a report from Vecernji list.

''We're already number one, and we want to continue in that direction," says Teo Širola, CEO of Glovo Services for Croatia, an international company that has grown from a startup for on-demand delivery from Barcelona in 2015, to having a value estimated at 300 million euros (2018), in just a few years.

That being said, the company isn't going public with the number of daily deliveries, explains Širola. But in their first year of business in Croatia, they aim for 1,000 employees doing the deliveries and about 100,000 deliveries per month.

"You order, we'll deliver," is the slogan of their application, and it is in "translation", it states that they will deliver, directly to the customer's address, anything that fits into their rather large delivery bag. And that - unlike the competition that is mainly food-oriented, they'll deliver gifts, medicines, groceries, books, coffee and cakes, and as of fairly recently, even McDonald's food. 

Glovo also collaborates with McDonald's in some other countries, too, and began delivering from three popular McDonald's restaurants in Zagreb quite recently.

"Delivery is the fastest growing food sales channel in the restaurant business today, and this trend will continue in the coming years. It was logical to expand our delivery service because it allows us to have an additional sales channel and to grow our business,'' stated McDonald's, adding that they're going to continue with this type of delivery expansion.

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