
Interpersonal Relations Most Important When Choosing a Job, Survey Shows

By 11 November 2019

ZAGREB, November 11, 2019 - Two-thirds of respondents believe the most important thing when choosing a job are good interpersonal relations, followed by pay and working hours, according to the findings of a survey conducted by the MojPosao job-seeking website.

More than 1,000 respondents took part in the survey aimed at establishing the situation on the labour market. Fifty-one percent were employed, 43% jobless and 6% still in school.

Interpersonal relations are crucial when choosing a job for 69% of respondents, pay is of paramount importance to 62% and working hours to 46% of those interviewed.

Fifty-four percent believe knowledge and skills have the biggest impact on the chance of getting a job, while 20% believe it is work experience, 8% say luck is important and 6% believe good contacts and who you know is crucial.

Only 3% believe the degree of education is a decisive factor, while 2% believe that being a member of a political party plays a key role in getting a job.

Seventy percent of respondents plan to change their job in the next year, more than in a survey conducted in 2012 (52%). In 2012, 52% of respondents were afraid of losing their job, compared to only 18% now.

Sixty-four percent of respondents have been jobless over the past three months, 12% over the past three to six months and 7% over the past five years or longer.

Sixty-two percent are looking for any job, while 28% want a job only in their profession.

Forty-one percent who are still in school expect to look for a job less than three months after finishing school, 19% expect to find it in less than a month and 18% hope to find a job within six months of finishing school.

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