
Croatia's Tomislav Debeljak Takes Over Shipyard in Norway

By 21 January 2020

Tomislav Debeljak of DIV group has his eye on a struggling shipyard in Norway, and the two parties have come to an arrangement that is sure to suit both.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes on the 20th of January, 2020, in the announcement, the two companies state that the acquisition contract should be finalised in the next few weeks, and they expect good synergies in both financial and production terms.

A DIV group owned by Brodosplit has entered into an agreement to take over the Norwegian shipyard Kleven Verft. It is a shipyard that has been experiencing numerous difficulties in recent years and was taken over by the Norwegian shipping company Hurtingen to complete the construction of the previously ordered ships.

As previously stated, in the joint announcement, both companies have stated that the acquisition contract should be finalised in the next few weeks, and that they expect good synergies in both financial and production terms.

''We are very pleased to have signed this agreement, which provides an opportunity to connect the two shipyards with a long tradition. Kleven is recognised throughout the world as a Norwegian shipyard with top references, especially when it comes to the fitting out of complex ships,'' says DIV owner Tomislav Debeljak.

''I am incredibly happy on behalf of all of Kleven's employees to have a new and solid shipyard owner. We went through a difficult period and were able to deliver some fantastic ships while maintaining a high level of expertise in our shipyard. Together with the new owner, we have long-term plans. This will be a new and exciting period for all of Kleven's employees,'' stated CEO Kjetil Bollestad.

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