
Croatian PM Plenković Visits Scenic Eclipse: We Want Such Ships To Be Built In Rijeka

Maj 22, 2020 - The Prime Minister toured the most luxurious ship in the world, currently anchored in the port of Rijeka, not far from his sister vessel, which construction began recently in Rijeka shipyard 3. maj as a part of an investment worth 860 million euros

Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, accompanied by Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Darko Horvat, Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butković and Minister of Tourism Gari Cappelli, visited the Scenic Eclipse, the best luxury ship in the world according to critics from last year. The luxury 6-star ship, owned by the Australian Scenic Group, sailed into the port of Rijeka this month, where it will remain until the situation with the coronavirus calms down.

We will be looking for solutions that will enable the continuation of Croatian shipbuilding because it was fascinating to see that in such difficult circumstances a ship like this was built in Uljanik. Many of the shipyard employees contributed greatly to the construction of this ship, although it ended with one incredible personal engagement of the client himself. The whole idea is to start with further investments, this time in 3. maj. Such ships, according to the captain are the best there is at the moment when it comes to polar cruisers and will be built in the Rijeka shipyard in the future, said Prime Minister Plenković. He also stated that the intentions of the Scenic Group are still very strong and a solution is being sought on how to proceed with these processes in the right way.

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Prime Minister Plenković and ministers were welcomed in Rijeka by Saša Čokljat, director of MKM Yachts, a subsidiary of the Australian corporation Scenic, which has ordered Eclipse II. Australian businessman and Scenic Group owner Glen Moroney greeted them via video call from Switzerland. On this occasion, Čokljat once again expressed his satisfaction with the excellent cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Croatia, which has recognized the importance of the project and the long-term development perspective it can provide to the Croatian shipbuilding.

Premijer Plenković u obilasku Scenic Eclipsea, video poziv Glen Moroney.jpeg

I am extremely glad because, at the moment when other cruising companies are putting their projects on hold, Scenic Group and 3. maj are starting a new business. We believe that this job will not only strengthen Scenic's fleet but also the shipyard itself. The activation of state guarantees awaits us soon which will enable a needed work to start the construction in full swing of the sister luxury polar cruiser ship. I believe that one such construction creates an opportunity to preserve rich tradition in shipbuilding, the continuity of production and knowledge, and hundreds of jobs, said Čokljat.

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If we make a recall, cutting the sheets for the hull of the ship "Eclipse II" in April concluded a new project of building five cruisers worth 860 million euros. The first 1,000 tons of steel from a total of 4,500 arrived from North Macedonia. The hull keel is scheduled to be laid in 3. maj by the beginning of this summer. Then, the construction of four more ships with similar characteristics is planned. 

"Scenic Eclipse" was also built and completed at the Croatian shipyard Uljanik in July 2019. Its construction is specific because, at a time when the ship was only half-way completed, Uljanik ended in a blockade and bankruptcy. Scenic then set a precedent - it did not collect 50 million euros of state guarantees, but it returned them to the state - it kept the ship and continued construction with its own funds and manpower. There are two helicopters on board for trips to distant places, as well as a submarine that can dive to a depth of 330 meters below the sea surface to provide guests with an unforgettable and unique adventure experience. At the christening ceremony in New York last year, the godmother of "Scenic Eclipse" was the famous actress Helen Mirren.

Now meet the original Scenic Eclipse. You can learn more about Scenic Eclipse on the official website
