ZAGREB, June 8, 2020 - The Ministry of Agriculture has informed that the call for applications for assistance for small dairy farms as a temporary measure due to difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has been closed as the foreseen amount of HRK 2.5 million earmarked for that measure has been expended.
The ministry said on its web site that as of June 5 no more applications will be received for this temporary measure that was introduced to relieve the impact of the novel coronavirus on small dairy farmers.
The measure has been implemented since April 2 by withdrawing dairy products from the market and buying them up from farmers and distributing these products free of charge to those in need. The measure related to small dairy farms that in 2019 had bought and processed less than 14 million litres of milk in that year.
The financial aid was used by eight small dairy farms and to date, a total of 175,987 kilograms of products had been bought up for an amount of HRK 2.5 million, which was equal to the original amount foreseen for this measure.
The distribution of milk and dairy products is still continuing and to date, 143,789 kilograms of products have been distributed to 59 registered intermediaries that donate food to food pantries, soup kitchens as well as give donated food to those in need, the ministry informed.