
Aladrovic: Situation on Labour Market Positive, Lay-Offs Not Expected

By 15 June 2020
Aladrovic: Situation on Labour Market Positive, Lay-Offs Not Expected

ZAGREB, June 15, 2020 - The situation on the labour market is positive and we do not expect any lay-offs because the government's measure to shorten the working week will additionally protect entrepreneurs, jobs and the economy overall, Labour and Pension System Minister Josip Aladrovic said on Monday.

"We are monitoring the situation on the labour market every day and after we successfully fought off the crisis, we have 16,000 more people employed than at the start of May," said Aladrovic after a signing ceremony for a project on managing state assets.

Aladrovic estimated that jobkeeping subsidies for May amounted to HRK 1.9 billion while the measures for June will cover 100,000 employees.

Speaking about the measure to shorten the working week, Aladrovic said that over the past three weeks the government had actively communicated with social partners and the ministries of finance and economy regarding the implementation of the European Commission's SURE jobkeeping programme.

"The task force will continue its work tomorrow when the last comments by our social partners arrive. We are very close to an agreement and I hope that over the next week we will announce what the measure will look like," he said.

Aladrovic concluded that in the coming period the government aims to preserve business activities through that measure for all affected enterprises.
