
Croatia-Slovenia Commission on Krsko Nuclear Power Plant Meets

By 14 July 2020
Croatia-Slovenia Commission on Krsko Nuclear Power Plant Meets

ZAGREB, July 14, 2020 - The Croatian-Slovenian commission overseeing an agreement between the two countries on the regulation of relations concerning the jointly owned Krsko nuclear power plant met in Zagreb on Tuesday and approved the third revision of decommissioning and radioactive waste disposal programmes.

The commission, meeting for the 14th time, discussed the work of the plant and the funds raised for decommissioning and waste disposal, the Croatian Environment and Energy Ministry said in a press release.

Croatian Environment and Energy Minister Tomislav Coric and Slovenian Infrastructure Minister Jernej Vrtovec said they were pleased with the final approval of the programme revision.

"I thank the Slovenian side for the good cooperation," said Coric.

"The programmes approved a key for maintaining (the plant's) excellent and safe work," said Vrtovec, thanking Croatia "for the achievements."

The commission's 15th meeting is planned for the first half of next year in Slovenia.

The Krsko plant, located in Slovenia, is to stop working in 2043. In 2018, Croatia adopted a national radioactive waste disposal programme which defined the former military complex Cerkezovac in the Dvor municipality as the location for a waste disposal centre.
