
ACI Ensures Stability, Generates Revenue in Excess of 70 Million Kuna

By 1 August 2020

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 31st of July, 2020, in addition to preserving jobs and employee health, the main goals for the second part of 2020 are to maintain a stable financial position of ACI and adjust operations to new market conditions, according to Kristijan Pavic, President of the Management Board of ACI d.d.

According to unaudited business results, Adriatic Croatia International Club for marinas d.d. (ACI) generated an impressive 72.9 million kuna in revenue in the first six months of 2020, while the EBITDA for the same period amounted to 21.4 million kuna. The published data shows that the operation of the largest marina system in the entire Mediterranean, in spite of the global COVID-19 pandemic that affected the economy and the entire nautical and tourist season, has remained remarkably financially stable. The fact that the past period was relatively successful for ACI is evidenced by the data on investments following investments that were previously committed to, in the total amount of 28.5 million kuna.

The first half of business during a tumultuous 2020 was marked by business being done in adapted conditions due to the COVID-19 epidemic. The operation of ACI's marinas continues to be carried out under a special regime, in compliance with all of the recommendations and measures at both the local and national level. In line with operating in these new, changed conditions, ACI provided more favourable conditions for boaters in all 22 marinas across the Adriatic during the month of June.

This resulted in revenues of 51.8 million kuna for annual berth services, which is almost at the level of revenue generated in the period from January to June 2019, which amounted to 51.9 million kuna. Also aware of the fact that nautical tourism is much more than just boats and berths in marinas, ACI has directly helped its business partners in the past through the abolition of charter fees, the abolition of the need to pay rent during the ban on most services, as well as the possibility of using free daily berths during the month of June, thus ensuring long-term business continuity and maintaining a high quality of service across all ACI marinas.

"Taking into account all the objective circumstances in which ACI's business took place, aware of the significant impact of events in business 2020 on the economy and tourism industry, we can say that we're satisfied with the results achieved in the first half of 2020, according to which we've recorded revenue of over 70 million kuna. In addition to preserving jobs and employee health, the main goals for the second part of 2020 are to maintain the stable financial position of the company and to adjust operations to new market conditions,'' said Kristijan Pavic of ACI.

As a leading nautical company, ACI d.d. is responsible for the development of nautical tourism across Croatia. ACI operates 22 marinas with over 5,800 berths.

The operation of ACI marinas is significantly affected by concession agreements, which (in most marinas) last until 2030 because the extension of the concession period is a prerequisite for the further realisation of long-term investments of the company, but also for expanding the range of services offered, raising their quality and achieving significantly better business results.

"Bearing in mind the importance of the nautical segment for Croatian tourism, ACI and its partners insist on a high quality and meaningful nautical offer and the further development and adaptation of services for all domestic and foreign sailors who choose the Croatian coast for their vacation," concluded Pavic.

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