
Only 56% of Registered Business Entities in Croatia are Active

By 12 August 2022

ZAGREB, 12 August, 2022 - At the end of June 2022, there were 316,052 registered business entities in Croatia, of which 176,882 or 56% were active, the data from the national statistical office (DZS) shows.

Of the total number of registered business entities, 238,572 were companies, of which 141,743 or 59.4% were active.

There were also 73,924 institutions, bodies, associations, and organisations (34,322 active), cooperatives (817 active), and 93,393 sole traders and freelancers.

More than half of the business entities were registered in wholesale and retail trade, 17.6% in motor vehicle and motorcycle repairs, 7.8% in the manufacturing industry, 10.2% in professional, scientific, and technical activities, and 16.1% in services.

The ownership structure of active legal entities shows that 140,435 or 79.4% were privately owned, 0.8% were state-owned, 0.4% were in mixed ownership, 0.5% were cooperatives, while the ownership of 19% of legal entities was not monitored. 

Among the active legal entities, 88,189 or 49.9% were companies with 1-9 employees, while 70,962 or 40.1% had no employees. 13,673 had 10-49 employees, 3,467 had 50-249 employees, 319 had 250-499 employees, and 272 had 500 and more employees.

The majority of companies were limited liability companies, accounting for 71.7% of registered business entities and 72.9% of active ones, while simple limited liability companies accounted for 27.1% of registered business entities and 26.0% of active ones.

Slightly less than a third of business entities, or 32.3%, were based in the City of Zagreb.
