One of the great potential of Inland Dalmatia is cycling. There are already several routes, some official, some not, but people from the Dinarides Trails (Biciklističke staze) are doing a great job publishing available routes on internet - their website.
(all photos: Biciklističke staze FB page)
Publishing available existing routes in not the only thing these enthusiasts for cycling do on their website and FB page. They get together on a regular basis and love to discover new routes. This is what they shared on their FB page the other day:
"You know the feeling, when you go out with your bike and you don´t know where to cycle that day. You are a bit bored by the existing routes. At that point, the best thing to do is to explore. Bike where nobody was biking ever before. Yep, that is when boredom is gone and the fun begins. Getting lost, finding ways, Google Maps, pushing, carrying, bushes, blod, drilling, night, battery dead, no cell-phone signal.. little bit of everything.., but you know, we survived it.
Pictures from the Biciklističke Staze FB page - the route was somewhere at the Mosor mountain near Dugopolje. Will be for sure on their website soon for you to explore.