
Professor in HAKA mode

By Vivian Grisogono 27 January 2016

Jelsa's favourite son, 'Professor' Frank John Duboković is proud of his New Zealand roots, and is always glad to fly the NZ flag about his person. Sometimes on his head, guarding that precious professorial brain:

Sometimes an up-front version adorning his torso:

Always close to his heart:

Christmas has been and gone, but the Professor was treated to a surprise belated Yuletide present today. It arrived by special courier on the Jelsa Pjaca, and there was unbridled delight when the package was unwrapped to reveal a Haka t-shirt. All the way from New Zealand via London. Following his whoop for joy, the Professor rewarded the courier with a big hug and a kiss, and then lost no time in stripping off his three layers of t-shirt to display the new addition to his extensive wardrobe with due pride.

Then it was time to guess which of his innumerable friends and fans had sent him this supremely welcome gift. It didn't take long, following a minor hint that it was a fellow New Zealander with a special attachment to Jelsa. Holly's name was extolled to the heavens with the Professor's unbounded gratitude.

There you go Holly, the surprise may have arrived late, but it couldn't be more appreciated. Consider the hug and kiss bestowed on the courier as yours, for an inspired present!

To see the Haka performed at a wedding, including the rare sight of females participating, watch the video below or click here.  

