
A Grinch on the Croatian Beer Scene? Vunetovo Craft Beer Launches Alaskan Mrgud on Hvar

By 21 December 2015

How does one translate 'mrgud'. Someone who is frowning? A grump or grouch? Grinch? Curmudgeon? Or all of the above?

Which brings us to the latest Croatian beer news on December 20, 2015. There is a new dark beer on the block. Vunetovo Craft Beer has launched its Aljaški Mrgud (loosely translated as Alaskan Grump).

Truly the heart of darkness, with deep reddish reflections, the Cascadian Dark Ale has a surprisingly moderate 5.9% ABV so you can have at least couple before playing dead. The hops are strong in this one, with an IBU of 63, it is way up there in the Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA range. American west coast hops, Chinook, Centennial, Willamette, and a few others, give the beer a fine flowery, fruity, delicious aroma and it is no problem at all drinking a half litre.

The Alaskan Mrgud epithet is in honor of brewmistress Anna Tuszynska's much loved Alaskan Malamut Togo.

Why "grouch or grump"? Anna says it is because the beer gives all the visual appearance of being mean and vicious, but just like her Togo, when you get closer you discover it is gentle, friendly, finely balanced and very smooth, but with a inner core of tempered steel.

The Mrgud premieres on tap at the Craft Room in Zagreb during the holidays, so you can soothe your inner grinch straight away, and by the end of January it will also be available in bottles.

In other Vunetovo news, they also prepared a batch of Special Bitter for Tolkien's House pub in Zagreb. This English classic with a Vunetovo twist, has six kinds of malt, honey (from Hvar, naturally), and strong bitterness. It should go well with holiday treats and even cakes.
