Street Pulse: Split's Music Management And Booking Agency

Like we’ve mentioned before, the music scene in Split is booming. On any given night you can head out to see live music at any of the various venues we have scattered around Split, and there are often music showcases held that exhibit Split and Dalmatia’s latest talents. With an active audience and ever growing music loving crowd, Split is surely becoming the new normal for musicians in Croatia.

This brings us to Street Pulse, a music management and booking company based in Split. Run by Šime Barbarić, Street Pulse works with various artists, constantly adding new talent to their catalogue from all over the region. Street Pulse focuses on artists who perform their own music, and their roster boasts the likes of TBF, Sara Renar, and Split’s own Justin’s Johnson to name a few.


We sat down with Šime Barbarić, the creator and innovator of Street Pulse, to talk about the music scene in Split and why he felt it was important to create an agency to foster the talent up and coming throughout the region.


Born and raised in Split, Barbarić is no stranger to travel. Growing up he lived in the Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, and left for the states in 1997 on a high school basketball scholarship in Charleston, South Carolina. After graduating high school, Barbarić was recruited again for basketball, and began his schooling at Colorado State University. He spent the following 6 years on the West Coast. When he finally moved back to split in 2003, he felt the urge to create something special, and Street Pulse came to exist.


The idea for Street Pulse began simply: Barbarić had been involved in creating sporting events for over a period of 10 years in the states and throughout Croatia. He saw a similar competitive side to music that he had experienced through sports, and felt he could use that drive into creating an agency of some sort to foster talent. Having an already solid background in music as he was responsible for teaming up musicians with his sporting events, Barbarić used his expertise and his ideas came to fruition.


It really all began when Barbarić was introduced to Sara Renar in 2014. The two had met at a KLFM Radio Promotion in Zagreb and quickly began exchanging ideas. Renar then asked Barbarić to help her book her first show in Split, and tasked with the responsibility, Barbarić locked in Renar’s first show at Quasimodo. Pleased with the outcome, Renar asked Barbarić to be her manager.


At the similar time, longtime friends of Barbarić, Justin’s Johnson, were in the middle of promoting their latest album. Miro, the singer of Justin’s Johnson, had approached Barbarić for promotional help, and from there, Barbarić booked their album promotion concert at O’Hara. He became their manager shortly after.


Barbarić had also known members of TBF for over 15 years. With an upcoming album in the Spring of 2015 and the need for a respectable and trusted agency, TBF then approached Barbarić. As he thought it was a good challenge considering they’ve been one of the largest regional bands in the last decade, he then took them on the Street Pulse roster for management and booking and took the lead on their latest album promotion.


He has also worked with M.O.R.T from Sinj and is currently helping San Francisco based Cellar Doors to promote and book their first European tour.


The philosophy with Street Pulse was interesting to Barbarić as it required a unique approach to business, using collaborations with clubs, venues, and organizers; a partnership Barbarić wanted to be a part of. Working at a high pace and booking as many shows as possible is how Barbarić concentrates on moving his artists up the ladder, and he utilizes his niche booking qualities to pick locations and events suitable for each artist at their period of growth.


Today, Street Pulse has booked the most shows for their artists than any other agency in the region, with more than 500 concerts in 2 years. They are the top booking agency in the region, working directly with their artists on booking and management. They are also the first agency of it’s kind in Split, and they focus primarily on alternative and rock ‘n roll acts.


As for the future of Street Pulse, Barbarić would like to see the agency expand internationally, becoming a respectable agency amongst other European powerhouses. Street Pulse is also working on US tours for their clients later this year.


Barbarić has made a lasting impression on the music scene in Split, and is still reputable today for the sports events he has facilitated over the last decade. You will oftentimes find Street Pulse artists playing throughout the region, so be sure to check them out when they come to Split!

Tagged under: music split tbf
