Thursday, 25 November 2021

New Hajduk Fan Song Features Legendary Mišo Kovać and TBF's Saša Antić

November 25, 2021 - A new Hajduk fan song was released on Thursday - a duet including Croatian music icon Mate Mišo Kovač and Split musician Saša Antić, which many may already recognize. 

In 1975, Hajduk won the championship, and Mate Mišo Kovač won the Split Festival with the song "I can't help but love her." At the time, he could not even imagine that 46 years later, at the invitation of Hajduk, he would have the opportunity to sing a fan version of the song that has been regularly heard in the stands of his favorite club since the mid-1980s, reports the Hajduk href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">website.

The verses “In happy days, in rough days, I can do nothing but love them. Because Hajduk is what makes me happy. I can't help but love them," will now be set to music and preserved in a new version co-signed by the famous Split songwriter and musician Saša Antić. More than two months ago, Mišo agreed to cooperate with Hajduk. As the beginning of the campaign, the song was premiered on Radio Dalmatia and immediately provoked emotions and positive reactions from many Hajduk fans.

You can listen to the song HERE

President Lukša Jakobušić emphasized: “If we were guided exclusively by pure logic, starting with ourselves, some things are simply inexplicable. Hajduk is one, and I think the emotion it evokes is very well reflected through Mišo's songs. As the great ambassador of Hajduk for more than half a century, Mišo is the ideal person for this cooperation and deserves the attention that Hajduk and the fans can give him." 

Mate Mišo Kovač, a Dalmatian identity, and big Hajduk fan, stated briefly: “I have been supporting Hajduk for 65 years, and I have been the strongest Hajduk player in all that time while in Zagreb. No one has ever approached me or said a rude word about it because everyone knows that Hajduk and Split live in me honestly and without calculation. That's why at the first invitation from Hajduk to sing the fan chorus of my song, I felt that energy again and immediately said… yes! Because I can't help but love them." 

Board member Marinka Akrap spoke more about the project: "The time we live in is certainly not the best, but the more we have reason to be positive and send some good messages of hope and togetherness. Sport and music create a special emotion, and we wanted the well-known connection between Hajduk and Mišo to be permanently recorded. I am thrilled that the collaboration was accepted by Saša Antić, who gave a new fan expression to Mišo's great hit. We combined both modern and urban with the legendary hit, and most importantly, throughout the song, there is a great deal of emotion. We hope to be able to pass on this feeling of love and connection of generations to all people of goodwill, and for all fans, we have prepared special products with the image of Mišo that will cheer them up during the holidays."

The song was created in the jubilee year of Hajduk's 110th birthday and the 80th birthday of Mišo Kovač. With the artistic spirit of the inspiring Saša Antić, the song gained a new dimension, returning that childhood feeling, first attachment to Hajduk, and the good and the bad.

"To reflect in football jargon, I already played a lot of games, but I still can't see what happened to me. A collaboration with Mišo, to Runjić's music, and in a letter to Hajduk. Simply amazing. I must also mention that the author of the original text is Drago Britvić and composer Stipica Kalođer, and also that the sentence "I can't help but love her" is my mother's favorite, so that is it. As for my text, it is about 15 years old, and in it, I collected memories of my days coaching football, first in Lavčević and then in Hajduk, and turned them into a story from my childhood neighborhood. If we are going to look for a message, it would be that everything, in the end, is just a game and love. But a title would come in handy," said Antić.

The families of the authors of the song's original version - Runjić, Britvić, Kalođera - and the record companies Croatia Records and Suzy selflessly gave the Club the rights to use it, while the Queen media agency is responsible for the audio and video production of the new song.

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Wednesday, 17 November 2021

New Split Advent Zvončac Program Announced with TBF New Year's Eve Concert

November 17, 2021 - The new holiday season brings new life to Split - and the debut Split Advent Zvončac program is here!

Split Advent 2021 will be unforgettable, with holiday houses arranged in several locations. Apart from Perivoj, the Cornaro ramparts, and Mertojak, holiday houses will also stand at Zvončac!

The program "Imaginarium Advent" was presented on Wednesday, organized by the company "STAR MAGIC" during December 2021 at Zvončac in Split.

“Another Advent is approaching. The situation is complex; we have changed the program several times and adapted it to new measures. This year there are four Advent locations, and Zvončac is just one of them. The public invitation for the big skating rink, which will be in Đardin this year as well, has ended. Despite this complicated and demanding situation, there will be a full music program. We are here today to announce the children's programs that have been in Đardin so far and are now being moved to Zvončac. There will be young animators, musicians, and dance groups. Minea will also perform in the two-day children's festival. All of them will contribute to this year's Advent being in our hearts, and the message of this year's Advent is 'Let's click on Advent' - with one click, you will get all the information about all events," said the director of the Split Tourist Board Alijana Vukšić.

She added that the gastronomy offer would include ten houses from the best Split caterers.

The Advent opening will be on December 1 at 4 pm, and Alen Islamović will perform with his band at 8 pm. A special event awaits us on December 7.

"It's Oliver's birthday, so we will play his songs at our concert, to remember him for his birthday. We are all emotionally attached to him; I hope everyone will enjoy it," said Petar Dragojevic.

Throughout December, Pravila Igre, Mia Dimšić, and Gustafi will also perform, while TBF will help Split enter the New Year. They will play from 10 pm.

"We are glad to perform at home because it is the sweetest. That area of the Zvončac has been arranged for these occasions - the older people danced for us there, which means something to me. I already have a feeling there will be a good atmosphere. You are all welcome, so come and be happy," said Mladen Badovinac of TBF. 

All concerts will require Covid confirmations, and testing will be organized at the entrance. For the New Year, testing will be free, and tickets for the TBF concert are already on sale. The promotional tickets for TBF at the price of 60 kuna are almost sold out. Other concerts are free for all visitors.

Source: Dalmacija Danas, Dalmatinski Portal

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

TBF Releases New Single Inspired by Tourism - and We Can Relate

TBF has released a new single titled “Stranci” - and if you live in Split, you might know this term well. 

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Welcome Return of Famous Split Sculpture Tonight with Justin's Johnson and Guest TBF!

Two years after the sculpture was removed, it will once again ‘grow’ in Split! 

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Nikola Čelan Book Launch; Beginnings of TBF and Split in the 90's

On the 2nd October 2017, Nikola Čelan, founder of TBF launched his book “Baština” at Paradox Wine Bar to a full house. It is a classic memoir but follows the beginnings of TBF and offers a unique and perhaps, rarely talked about, glimpse into Split in the 90’s - complete with drugs, violence and in this case, Hip Hop!

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Justin’s Johnson Performance In Bol Was Great, TBF To Follow Tonight

A great performance by the band from Split on the main Bol square last night!

Friday, 9 June 2017

No More Croatian Players At WTA Croatia Bol Open, But Fun Weekend Is Ahead

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Saturday, 18 June 2016

Tramontana 2016: A New Kino Bačvice Affair

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Friday, 10 June 2016

The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb has Announced their Summer Concert Series

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Saturday, 21 May 2016

HNK Presents: Matija Dedić and Guests

In 2015, Splićani were lucky enough to witness one of the last concerts between arguably the largest Croatian singer-songwriter, composer and poet Arsen Dedić, and his son Matija, a world renowned pianist. After Arsen’s passing in August of 2015, this event was made even more remarkable, memorable, and important for the arts and music in Split.

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