Welcome Return of Famous Split Sculpture Tonight with Justin's Johnson and Guest TBF!

By 13 June 2018

Two years after the sculpture was removed, it will once again ‘grow’ in Split! 

The famous ’Blue Tree’ (Plavo Stablo) sculpture by Vasko Lipovac, one of the most prominent artists of the region who passed away in 2006, will finally return as one of the symbols of the city! The sculpture will be erected on the green area next to the Youth House (Dom Mladih), at the intersection of Ulica Slobode and Mažuranić walkway. 

The return of the impressive sculpture to a public space in the city will be celebrated on Wednesday, June 13, at 20.30 pm, when members of the VAL (Vasko Lipovac) Association, a family of Split artists, friends, representatives of the city administration and the people of Split will come together for a concert by local favorites Justin’s Johnson and a guest appearance by none other than legendary hometown heroes TBF. 

"Yes, the ‘Blue Tree’ will grow again,” said Mario Lipovac, the son of the famous artist and head of the VAL Association which cares for the Lipovac family’s heritage.

“The Blue Tree first brought a smile to the face of the city when it was erected at the beginning of Vukovarska Street on July 13, 2011. We have received numerous messages, initiatives, suggestions for new locations and set up calls for more than two years. The desire and enthusiasm of many of our fellow citizens can also be seen in the graffiti ‘I’ll wither without the Blue Tree' which was created one morning,” added Mario Lipovac.

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“In March, we had a very valuable meeting with Mayor Andro Krstulović Opara and his team where they showed the openness and the desire for active cooperation. This event is the beginning of this collaboration and we would like to thank everyone who helped the Blue Tree 'grow' in Split again the day before the anniversary of Vasko’s birthday,” Lipovac concluded, saying he believes TBF and Justin’s Johnson will radiate the good energy of the Blue Tree.

The program begins at 20.30 tonight in the green area next to the Youth House. 

Source: Dalmatinski Portal and Slobodna Dalmacija 
