
President Grabar-Kitarović Expresses Support for Curricular Reform

By 30 May 2016

In an open letter, the President calls on expert group to continue its work.

President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović has addressed the public with an open letter in which she discussed the controversy over the curricular reform and the resignation of the expert group which was charged with implementation of the reform, In the letter, the President demands the continuation of reforms in education, reports Index.hr on May 30, 2016.

“Discrepancies between the educational system and the labor market, unsatisfactory status of teachers and lack of investment in their continuing professional development, overload of students with unnecessary information, these are just some of the reasons pointing to the need for a reform that will align the education system with contemporary and expected needs of Croatian society. Therefore, it is necessary to be clearly said: curricular reform must continue in its preparation and implementation”, wrote the President in her open letter to the media.

She pointed out that all this made even more important the fact that the expert group which led the preparation, headed by Boris Jokić, had so far done a great job. “This effort rightly enjoys the respect of a large part of the Croatian public. And the professional community also supports the need for curricular reform”, said the President.

Grabar-Kitarović pointed out that the curricular reform in the end must, on the one hand, be an expression of Croatian cultural and educational heritage and its fundamental national values, while, on the other hand, it must also be innovative in its response to modern and expected developmental needs of Croatian society in all areas.

“Given in mind all of the above, support for the continuation of curricular reform that comes from both the expert group and its leader Boris Jokić, and from the relevant Ministry, indicates that we have necessary synergy for it to be continued. I expect, therefore, from all the present and future stakeholders, as well as of the entire public, a very serious and constructive approach to public debate and further steps in its completion and experimental and, ultimately, full implementation”, said the President.

She thanked Jokić and his team for their contribution. “Democratically expressed support for their work is welcome, and I join it, and at the same time I reject any political manipulations, from whatever side they may come. But, I also feel the need to call on the expert group to continue its work. The easiest way is to resign. The easiest way is to give up. But, you do not have this right because no reason can be strong enough in relation to the future of our children”, concluded the President in her letter.
