
Petrov: „I Will Resign if My Resignation Is Precondition for Better Future“

By 3 June 2016

Božo Petrov replies to the Prime Minister’s demand for resignation of him and other deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko.

MOST president and Deputy Prime Minister Božo Petrov held a press conference this afternoon, after Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković asked him and First Deputy Prime Minister and HDZ president Tomislav Karamarko to resign, reports Jutarnji List on June 3, 2016.

Speaking from Metković, Petrov said: “MOST is still insisting on Tomislav Karamarko’s resignation. I do not know the reason why I have been identified as a disturbing factor. I know that I have a clear conscience and, if my resignation is a precondition for better future, I will accept that. I do not think there is any position in government that would be more important than the homeland. MOST will make a final decision and I hope that the standard of behaviour which MOST is demonstrating will one day become a standard for everyone”, said Petrov.

HDZ president Tomislav Karamarko will adress the media shortly.
