
Car Sharing Now Available in Zagreb, Gas and Parking Included in the Price

By 6 June 2016

Need a car for short city rides? Here's a perfect service for you. All you need is a smartphone and a drivers license. 

First Car Sharing service will be available in Zagreb this week and on June 6, 2016, got the opportunity to test this new service which is perfect for anyone that needs a car for short city distances. This service, called Spin City, is organised by a company called Urban Mobility. 30 cars will be available across the city and after you install the app it will show you where you can find the closest one. Once you reach the car, you will be able to use it for as long as you need it and once you're done you have to park it and leave. Of course, in order to use the service, you will have to register with a valid drivers license and a smartphone. 

Director of Urban Mobility, Matija Krznar explained how the service works: " You will be able to use one of our 30 cars, 10 electric ones and 20 Volkswagen Up!s within the Spin City zone, drive them for as long as you need them and leave them parked anywhere within the zone. The Spin City zone encompasses the wider Zagreb city centre. Ilica will be the upper limit, including Rudes and a part of Jarun while the south part includes a part of Trnje, Dubrovnik Avenue, Kajzerica, zagrebacki Velesajam (Zagreb Fairgrounds) all the way to Dugave and Slobostina while the east city limits are all the way to the Borongaj turnpike to Radnicka cesta towards the south".

Telegram reporters had the opportunity to test the service and here are the thoughts of reporter Ana Lonjak Bozicevic.

The process is very simple, after the online registration and the start up 150 kuna registration fee I received 50 minutes of free rides within the first month and a membership card that can be picked up in Vipnet. After the registration, I could select various packages (60, 120 or 240 minutes a month). The largest package ends up being the cheapest since the 240 minutes a month end up costing you 1.19 kuna per minute. However, you don't have to opt for any of the packages, in that case, you pay the  basic price of 2.62 kuna per minute.

So, after the registration, you need to locate the car nearest to you. By clicking the icon, I received all car information, license plate number and whether it is a gas or electric car. I booked an electric one and received directions how to reach its parking spot so I walked to it. The first info I received is how much fuel or power is left in the car.

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Then you have to turn your smartphone screen towards the front windshield and press the key icon on the application to unlock the car. It can also be unlocked with your membership card.
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Once you're in the card the application asks you whether there is any damage to the car and whether you have a valid drivers license. Then you will find the key attached to the device inside the car.
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Once you enter the pin you receive through the app, you can remove the key from the device.
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Once you finish, you can leave the car in any of the parking lots, you don't pay for parking since it is included in your price. 20 minutes will cost you around 50 kuna and even if you stop to leave the car to run an errand, it will still be reserved under your name until you sign off. It may sound expensive at first but considering you are not paying for gas or parking it;s quite reasonable. For instance, if you are going to the airport, a cab will set you back around 120 kuna and with Spin City it's 60 kuna.
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It remains to be seen whether this service will become popular but it is certainly convenient and hassle free. We wish the providers the very best of luck and hope to see similar services in other Croatian cities.

Matija Krznar, direktor tvrtke Urban Mobility koja pokreće ovu uslugu koju zovu Spin City, objašnjava mi da će u funkciji biti 10 električnih i 20 benzinskih Volkswagen Up!-ova.

“Naše male aute moći ćete preuzeti unutar Spin City Zone, voziti koliko želite i ostaviti na bilo kojem parkirališnom mjestu, opet unutar zone”, kaže. Zona, nastavlja, obuhvaća širi centar grada. Gornja granica bit će Ilica, zapadnim dijelom bit će obuhvaćen Rudeš i dio Jaruna, južni dio obuhvaća dio Trnja, Aveniju Dubrovnik, Kajzericu, zagrebački Velesajam, dio Dugava i Sloboštinu, a na istočnom dijelu grada, linija je do okretišta Borongaj i povlači se Radničkom cestom prema jugu.

Puštaju aplikaciju ovaj tjedan

Dali su nam da testiramo prije nego usluga krene

Aplikacija Spin City bit će puštena ovaj tjedan, no pokretači su nam dopustili da cijelu stvar testiramo nešto ranije. Proces je dosta jednostavan, registrirala sam se preko internetske stranice i ispunila obrazac s osobnim podacima. Početna registracija košta 150 kuna, za nju sam dobila 50 minuta besplatne vožnje u prvih mjesec dana i člansku iskaznicu koja se inače preuzima u Vipnetu.

Nakon registracije, mogla sam odabrati različite pakete korištenja (60, 120 ili 240 minuta mjesečno). Najjeftinije je ako uzmete najveći paket, 240 minuta koje morate iskoristiti u mjesec dana. Tada će vas auto koštati 1,91 kunu po minuti. Nije nužno da uzimate bilo kakve pakete, no tada će vam osnovna cijena biti 2,62 kune po minuti.

Nakon pokretanja aplikacije, koja je dosta jednostavna za korištenje, locirala sam najbliže vozilo. Klikom na ikonu, pokazali su mi se podaci o autu – registracija i informacija je li riječ o električnom vozilu ili benzincu. Rezervirala sam jedan električni up, dobila upute kako najbrže doći do mjesta gdje je parkiran, i prošetala do njega. Evo kako je išlo dalje:
