
Education Ministry Abolishes the Luka Ritz Award

By 12 June 2016

After curricular reform, the Ministry of Education continues abolishing things which should definitely not be abolished.

Eight years after the tragic death of high school student Luka Ritz, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports will not award a prize for the promotion of tolerance that bears his name, reports Index.hr on June 12, 2016.

The reasons why the award will not be given this year are not known, and the family of Luka Ritz has not been informed as to why the Ministry has made such decision.

This award for promotion of tolerance and violence-free schools was awarded to students who had a positive effect on the people around them. In recent years, we have witnessed incredibly noble and selfless acts of Croatian high school students which have been given the award, in the form of a diploma and a one-year scholarship of 1,000 kuna a month. The award was given by a committee composed of a representative of the National Student Council, representatives of the Agency for Education and Vocational Education and a representative of the Ministry.

Last year, the award was given to students Ljubica Marinčić and Dora Cesarec.

Ljubica Marinčić, a student of Grigor Vitez Elementary School, was active in collecting aid for flooded areas and helped in the sale of collected things that the students have given up in favour of African children. “I got involved in humanitarian initiatives in the fifth grade and since then I have not stopped with my volunteer activities. In this way, I want to help where I can, and that makes me happy”, said Marinčić.

Dora Cesarec, a student of Vladimir Prelog Science School, is the president of the School Volunteer Club. She participated in a charity fair, and the money was intended for members of an association of people with mental and physical disabilities. She was also involved in many humanitarian drives where she had proven to be an excellent organizer. “Together with the Volunteer Club in my high school, I have decided to spend more time assisting other people”, said Cesarec.

Unfortunately, such positive examples will remain unrecognized by the Ministry this year.

Luka Ritz was a high school student who was killed on 12 June 2008 by a gang of youths. He became a symbol of fight against street violence and intolerance, and many concerts and peaceful protests have been organized in his memory.
