
Karamarko Resigns as Deputy Prime Minister, Coalition Reshuffle Attempt to Continue

By 15 June 2016

After the Commission for Conflict of Interest Prevention ruled that he was in conflict of interest, Karamarko announces his resignation on June 15, 2016.

After the Commission for Conflict of Interest Prevention ruled earlier today that he was in conflict of interest due to business relations between his wife and MOL’s consultant Josip Petrović, HDZ president Tomislav Karamarko held a press conference at HDZ headquarters.

“I am both satisfied and dissatisfied with what they said. I am not satisfied because they found a conflict of interest, but I am glad that the conflict of interest allegedly happened during an unofficial meeting when no decisions were made. It was my opinion which allegedly created the conflict of interest. I think it is normal for a president of a party to have his opinion on an important matter.

I think the decision was forced by external pressure, and I will use the Administrative Court to fight it. Their decision actually means I cannot have an opinion.

Tomorrow, we will vote on the dismissal of Prime Minsiter Orešković. We have already said why we are going to do it, due to the non-functionality of the government and its leadership. Also, MOST’s attitude towards the senior partner in the ruling coalition was not fair. The attitude of the Prime Minister towards HDZ was not in accordance with democratic standards.

I have decided to resign as First Deputy Prime Minister regardless of this decision, because I want to set an example and give a chance to new people in government. I believe that Prime Minister Orešković and Deputy Prime Minister Petrov should also resign.

We will proceed with a reshuffle and I believe that Croatia will get a new majority which will produce a new government.

One of the problems is that our economic programme has not been implemented. We have been ignored although we were the relative winner of the elections, and that is unacceptable.

I made the decision to resign about a week ago.There is no chance that we would change our opinion about tomorrow’s vote on the motion of no confidence against the Prime Minister”, said Karamarko.

MOST leader Božo Petrov also spoke with the press.

“There is only one person with a political burden. The Commission has given its opinion. Certain individuals have made a serious decision in haste. Today these people have the responsibility to decide whether this government will finally get a chance or whether we will have new elections. There are only two options. Either this government or new elections, where the right to reshuffle of the ruling coalition will be given to voters.

I have said I am ready to resign if necessary. Although I do not see my guilt, I m still ready to resign if that is the price which HDZ demands for Prime Minister Orešković to stay. I appeal to members of HDZ and the Patriotic Coalition MPs to show they care about the country. We still have 24 hours, and I hope that people will recognize their responsibility.

We have said clearly: either this government with Orešković as Prime Minister or new elections. Our MPs have already given signatures for the dissolution of Parliament, and we will officially submit them if the government is brought down”, said Petrov.
