
The 51st Annual Zagreb Salon of Visual Arts Opens Today!

By 16 June 2016

The Zagreb Salon is a renowned national exhibition and one of the oldest joint exhibitions of recent works of art. This exhibition will open today, June 16, at HDLU - Meštrović Pavilion. Exhibition opens at 19h.

This ceremonial opening of the 51st annual Zagreb Salon is titled Challenges Humanism (Izazovi humanizmu) and is a concept by Suzane Marjanić and Marijane Stanić. This exhibition opens during the week that marks World Refugee Day, and will remain open until July 17.

After the opening ceremony at 19:30 there will be performance artists Josipa Pina Ivančića, Ive-Matije Bitange, Marijana Crtalića and Vlaste Žanić. The exhibition will then turn into a music program, curated by peace activist Ph.D. DJ Mario Kovac.

Zagreb Salon is a renowned national exhibition and one of the oldest collective national exhibitions of recent works of art, contemporary art production, alternating visual arts, architecture and urban planning, and applied arts and design. This exhibition has been held since 1966 and is organized by the HDLU, ULUPUHA, and UHA. The 51st Zagreb Salon is organized by the HDLU and is dedicated to the visual arts.

More information on their website here.
